Connswater Community Greenway
We are excited to invite you to our Wheel and Walkshop which will be held on the 22nd and 23rd of March 2024 along the length of the Connswater Community Greenway. Everyone of all ages and abilities is welcome, including those facing mobility barriers who have never used the Greenway before.
Friday 22nd March
Section 1: Victoria Park-C.S. Lewis Square – meet at Victoria Park 8am
Section 2: C.S. Lewis Square-Dixon Playing Fields – leaves C.S. Lewis Square 9.30am
Section 3: Dixon Playing Fields to Ladas Drive – leaves Dixon Playing Fields 10.30am
Section 4: Ladas Drive to Cregagh Road – leaves Ladas Drive 11.30am
Rest Stops: C.S. Lewis Square, Linen Gardens and Ladas Drive
Look out for our gazebos at each of these stops, where you will find seats, refreshments and shelter, and partners and members of our team to greet you and provide information and some chat while you sit down.
Saturday 23rd March
Section 1: Dixon Playing Fields to Orangefield Park – meet at Dixon Playing Fields 9am
Section 2: Orangefield Park to Knock Road – meet Orangefield Park at 10.30 (Kingfisher Bridge)
Rest Stops: Orangefield Park Clubhouse (Bowling Pavilion) 9am-11am
Look out for our gazebo, where you will find seats, refreshments and shelter, and partners and members of our team to greet you and provide information and some chat while you sit down.
CLICK HERE to download full detailed PDF