Reports and Research

Development of a Business Case in relation to future management and improvement works of Orangefield Park Bowling Pavilion.

Since completion of the Greenway in 2017, EastSide Greenways have continued to engage with our stakeholders to identify areas for further improvement and intervention. Through this engagement, the Bowling Pavilion and green in Orangefield Park has been identified by residents and stakeholders as an underused community asset which they would like to see developed into a thriving community hub in the park. Through doing so, it is hoped that a space can be created for shared and multipurpose use for schools, young people, environmental activities and park users. It would also offer much needed shelter and toilets in the park, improving peoples access to and use of the park.

Have Your Say!

We have hosted in person consultation sessions and now we want to get as many views as possible on what you feel needs to be done to make Orangefield Park and the Bowling Pavilion a better space to use

This short survey aims to find out what local people and users feel about the place now and what is needed in the future.

Your responses will help develop our plan which we will present to Belfast City Council to develop the Pavilion for the community and people who use the park.

Simply click on this link to complete the survey:

It should take 10 to 15 minutes to complete. We have partnered with Queen’s University to help analyse the survey and you can know more about it by reading the INFORMATION SHEET.

Climate and Nature Action: A Vision for the Future of the Connswater Community Greenway

Climate and Nature: A Vision for the Connswater Community Greenway a new report commissioned by EastSide Greenways and the Groundswell Consortium and developed by The Paul Hogarth Company has now launched.  

In 2023 EastSide Greenways and the GroundsWell Consortium commissioned a collaborative process to look at Connswater Community Greenway through the lens of climate resilience, adaptation, nature conservation and self-sustainability. The document created summarises the findings and recommendations of that process, researched and facilitated by Landscape Architects, The Paul Hogarth Company.

As opportunities arise it is hoped that the proposals of this report can be actioned in the short to medium term by many parties, contributing to the urgent need for climate and nature action across the city and beyond.

To get in touch about how to input into the delivery of this vision email


PARC Study

(Physical Activity and the Rejuvenation of Connswater)

The UKCRC Centre of Excellence for Public Health NI led a multidisciplinary team to win a prestigious Medical Research Council award to evaluate the Connswater Community Greenway (CCG) and its impacts on physical activity and the healthy of the local population in East Belfast.

What was unique about our bid to the National Prevention Research Initiative was that it brought together a partnership of at least four government departments (including Department for Social Development, Department for Regional Development, Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure, and Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety NI), the Public Health Agency and academics from a range of disciplines to produce a proposal to evaluate the £32M CCG project which will improve the built environment and quality of life in East Belfast.

This natural experiment will contribute significantly to the evidence base and has created much excitement internationally in the public health research community.

To get in touch with the research team email